Current projects

Going beyond the school proposal and establishing communication with the community through actions to preserve our surroundings involving real characters who often have no voice. Students being spokespersons so that tourism and monitoring of leisure and tourism spaces are preserved. Garbage is still a big problem despite the efforts of the city's...

Considering the potential of the region where the city of Nova Campina is located, Ecotourism constitutes a source of green, solidary and creative economy, bringing new possibilities for professional performance combined with entrepreneurship.

On September 12, I was invited to participate in the São Paulo State Media Center for the certification of the students of Professor Ed Gomes Jr. for the Building a Learning Community with Technology project. I participated in the recording of some programs and the students of the Simpliciano School were able to interact during a live quiz prepared...

We started our vertical vegetable garden to reinforce the nutrition of students at Escola Simpliciano Campolim. Using pet bottles and taking advantage of wood scraps, the Biology and Chemistry teachers are in charge of coordinating the actions to complete a first project that also includes the production of compost with the help of the Chemistry...

The Simpliciano Campolim School started the first year of Integral Education by adopting projects that integrate various curricular components and Training Itineraries that aim at a critical attitude of students and teachers in relation to the environment maintaining an organized school that rethinks a link between what we have and what we must...

The initiative to produce a vertical garden for the school is an offshoot of the Seeds For The Future project, where we developed the prototype of our sustainable house with ideas for adapting our housing to low-cost practical solutions. . Now, in practice, we are following Sustainable Development Goal 2, which is the eradication of hunger, with...

The partnership between the Simpliciano Campolim de Almeida School and the company Klingele Paper & Packaging Group based in Nova Campina started the Curriculum Course with students in the final year of high school with a proposal aimed at the job market. In the next semester the company will continue the courses with new classes with the Excel...


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