Klingele - Starting the Curriculum Course


The partnership between the Simpliciano Campolim de Almeida School and the company Klingele Paper & Packaging Group based in Nova Campina started the Curriculum Course with students in the final year of high school with a proposal aimed at the job market. In the next semester the company will continue the courses with new classes with the Excel Course that will serve the other students in addition to interested professors. The partnership is an offshoot that comes from the Ciena Project.The partnership between the school Simpliciano Campolim de Almeida and the company Klingele Paper & Packaging Group based in Nova Campina started the Curriculum Course with students in the final year of high school with a proposal aimed at the job market. In the next semester the company will continue the courses with new classes with the Excel Course that will serve the other students in addition to interested professors. The partnership is an unfolding that comes from the Ciena Project.

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