Chemistry - A fundamental class


The importance of resin in the city of Nova Campina, São Paulo, is also intrinsically linked to the work of adolescents. The presence of young people in the resin-making activity can bring significant benefits both to the local economy and to the development of these young people.

The participation of teenagers in the resin sector can represent an opportunity for learning and professional growth. By joining this branch, young people acquire practical skills, knowledge about the environment and develop an awareness of the importance of forest preservation.

However, it is essential to ensure that these activities are carried out in accordance with labor laws and safety standards, ensuring the well-being and physical integrity of the adolescents involved, since a major problem that workers faced was the removal of waste from their hands, which due to the flexible and sticky consistency of the resin. The work carried out with the students aims to create an ecological and sustainable detergent to solve this problem and also provide engaging and practical activities in Chemistry classes.

Disruption of chemical balance

Simulating the greenhouse effect

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